Murrel. Org Updated 03/30/2006  

  Current Events Blogs

    Command Post - The WarBlog Collective
    Hit & Run - Reason Online Blog
    Little Green Footballs - Often Quoted Blog
    Porphyrogenitus - Thoughts and Opinions on the State of the World
    Rantburg - Civil, Well-Reasoned Discourse
    Glenn Reynolds - Instapundit - the Leading Blog
    Andrew Sullivan - Current Political Commentary
    The Future of Television (Dead - Enjoy the Archives) - Kevin Reynen
    Peoria Wireless - Kevin Reynen
    USS Clueless Captains Log (Dead - Enjoy the Archives) - Steven Den Beste
    War Blog - Jed Babbin
    Opinions From Indian Country - Gwen Carr
    Lively Discussion about the Future of Peoria - Staff of Peoria.Com
    Too Many Scoops to Ignore - Nikita Demosthenes
    Mystery Novelist and Screenwriter - Roger Simon
    A Blog by Gary Becker & Richard Posner

  Legal Blogs

    Copyfight - the politics of IP
    Edward Felton - Freedom To Tinker
  Grep Law - Geeks, Laws, Everything in Between
    How Appealing - The Web's first blog devoted to appellate litigation
    IP Justice - promoting balanced intellectual property laws in a digital world
    Ipkat - Intellectual Property Weblog
    Law Meme - Yale Law School
    Legal Theory Blog - Focus on Recent Scholarship in Jurisprudence
    Lawrence Lessig - Internet Savvy Stanford Law Professor
    Jennifer Rhodes - Astute Legal Observer
    Tech Law Advisor - An Internet and Intellectual Property Policy Weblog
    The Trademark Blog - from the Law Offices of Martin Schwimmer
    Eugene Volokh - The Volokh Conspiracy

  Technical Blogs

    Don Box - MS Web Services Insights
    Dan Bricklin - co-creator of VisiCalc, the first PC spreadsheet
    Cosmic Log - Quantum Flucuations in Space, Science & Exploration
    Dan Gillmor - Grassroots Journalism
    Kyle Hasselbacher - Programmer
    Net RN - Spyware Warrior
    Tim O'Reilly - Developer Weblogs
    Roland Piquepaille - How New Technologies are Modifying Our Way of Life
    Jeff Pulver - Notes, Comments and Observations from the Voice of IP Communications
    Eric Raymond - Eric's Home Page
    Science Blog - Science Newsletter
    Doc Searls - Linux Journal Editor, Writer & Consultant
    Solport - An Independent's View of Current Events, Economic, Science, and Science Fiction
    Joel Spolsky - Painless Software Management

  Peoria Blogs

    Blog Peoria - Group Blog for People Who Live in Peoria
    Peoria.Com - Lively Discussion about the future of Peoria
    Peoria Pundit - Will it Play in Peoria? the Peoria Pundit will be the Judge of That.
    Random Acts of Kindness - Local Libertarian Blogger
    A Twenty Something Life - Peoria Area Blogger

  Chess Blogs

    Adventures in Georgia Chess - Chris Kilgore - his games, tournaments, etc
    Boylston Chess Club Weblog - Boylston Chess Club Info & Chess News
    Chessbase News - Up to Date Grandmaster Chess News
    Chessmetrics - Jeff Sonas Ratings and Rankings
    Chess Underground - Peter Karaganis - Local Chess News, Games, and Improvement
    Daily Dirt Chess Blog - Mig Greengard's Chess Ninja
    The Chess Mind - Dennis Monokroussos
    Open Chess Diary - Tim Krabbe
    Patzer's Mind - Chess in Finland
    Pawn in the Game - Chess in Denmark
    Patzer King - Rakshasas Patzer
    Sarah's Chess Journal - History and Culture of Chess
    Jeremy Silman - Instruction, Interviews, Opening Theory, Puzzles, Chess Book Reviews